Vivendi Health is a boutique health-strategy consultancy
We work directly with individuals and families to create a life-changing experience.
Mission Statement
Our mission at Vivendi Health is to provide our clients with a team of experts to fill critical gaps in an incomplete healthcare system. The Vivendi journey began with our founding team asking a few simple questions:
"What is the ideal scenario for an individual to be optimally healthy in today’s world, and how can we support that process?”
These straightforward questions inspired a lot of discussion, and ultimately, our company.
All Humans Are Unique
While we are all human beings, every physical body is unique. Furthermore, people have different goals and aspirations for their health. Like life itself, no one else has your exact accumulation of experiences.
Personal Health Optimization
Personal health optimization is not a singular method or destination; it is a process of calibration. We calibrate what we work on with individuals based on their needs, goals, current interests, as well as time commitment and intensity level. These factors naturally fluctuate over time. Therefore, the right calibration for an individual now might be different than it was six months ago, and it might be different again six months from now. Since the betterment process naturally evolves over time, we built our process for client development around this truth.
Your Journey
We may cover many of the same topics from client to client, but in completely new ways, with different reference points, different levels of depth, in a different sequence, with different emphasis, and most importantly, with different concluding recommendations. This journey is yours, not a replication of someone else’s path.
Process Over Program
Instead of a pre-fabricated program, the best results come from applying this process over time to ensure our clients:
- Clarify their understanding of health and their ideal relationship to it. Typically, as we climb the mountain of knowledge and gain new perspectives, aspirations, and goals, our patterns evolve and mature. One might come to desire something different than they wanted at the start of the mountain, or they can articulate a future vision for themselves from an entirely new library of helpful concepts.
- Leverage wise principles to filter the world of possibilities into concrete and confident decisions and actions. You will learn things during our time together that will benefit you for the rest of your life (and likely the people around you, as well).
- Have an efficient self-development process, guided by both our client’s contemporary interests and our expert team.
Flawless health cannot be guaranteed by any program, process, person, or pill. Yet, under ideal circumstances, a person will feel that they have excellent and accessible support, all while developing personal skills and wisdom for increasingly effective self-navigation over their own pattern of healthy living.
The goal isn’t to make an individual fully independent in taking care of their health. It’s neither practical nor necessary to learn everything your team of experts collectively know. The goal is, however, to help the client maximize their potential to affect their own health in a style that highly resonates with their life, needs, and desires, and, in an ongoing fashion, maximally benefit from the expertise of their full healthcare team.
A Complete Healthcare Team
4 Key Parts to a Complete Healthcare Team
- Your Medical Network: These are all the medical professionals you have in your life, from your Primary Care Provider, to your dermatologist, dentist, orthopedic surgeon, ophthalmologist, etc.
- This group of professionals monitors your health with diagnostics and looks for opportunities to identify and treat issues as soon as possible, proportional to need, severity, and interventional risk. Your primary care doctor will also make referrals to other specialists for further diagnosis and treatments. Treatments mostly include pharmaceuticals and procedures. Most good doctors also recognize and endorse healthy lifestyle interventions to prevent and mitigate issues.
Endorsing is not the same as training. We want our medical sick care experts to recognize and encourage health and wellness strategies for their patients' journey. But endorsing the importance of, let's say, a healthy diet, is not the same as learning how to actually make your diet healthier. When we are talking about changing a person's capability to leverage information to change how they live, we need more than the endorsement from a prestigious person. We need training. Training is a slow process that helps a person aggregate increasing skills, ultimately aiming towards topic mastery.
- Elective Treatment Specialists: This group of professionals includes your therapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, and aesthetic professionals.
- This group of professionals is typically sought out by the individual to help with specific needs and interests. Occasionally, this level of specialists is referred by the medical network.
- Mentors and Coaches: These professionals work to help the individual train in some health-related action so that they become more proficient at it. This group of people includes professionals like fitness trainers, tennis coaches, guitar instructors, jiu-jitsu coaches, and more. This grouping can also include therapists who work with you on flourishing and self-actualization through mindset training. This is the category that the team at Vivendi Health falls into. We are Health Performance Experts, or HPEs, and we are trained expert generalists on health determinants and health attainment.
- The Individual: The individual has the potential to have the greatest impact on their own health right up until the point where serious medical intervention is needed. That is most of their life. Thus, all support roles that help an individual become better at, or be more consistent with, any single determining factor of health, have potentially an enormous impact on the health status and trajectory of the individual.
Key Point: Throughout your life, you have the biggest impact on your own health, and our goal is to make you better at it. Any and all skills you develop with us can and will serve you for the rest of your time on earth.
Learn more about our process and contact us to express interest to become a client here: